Offenbach, Germany, Some of the six hundred Torah scrolls that were brought to the OAD from all over the American-administered area, 1946.; In a cellar in Frankfurt, Germany, Chaplain Samuel Blinder examines Saphor Torahs stolen from across Europe. Photo: National Archives; Left, Torah breast plates and right chanukiah confiscated by Nazis. USHMM courtesy of S. J. Pomrenze; In a cellar in Frankfurt, Germany, Chaplain Samuel Blinder examines Saphor Torahs stolen from across Europe. Photo: National Archives; Left, Torah breast plates and right chanukiah confiscated by Nazis. USHMM courtesy of S. J. Pomrenze
Offenbach, Germany, Some of the six hundred Torah scrolls that were brought to the OAD from all over the American-administered area, 1946.; In a cellar in Frankfurt, Germany, Chaplain Samuel Blinder examines Saphor Torahs stolen from across Europe. Photo: National Archives; Left, Torah breast plates and right chanukiah confiscated by Nazis. USHMM courtesy of S. J. Pomrenze