The Claims Conference-WJRO Looted Art & Cultural Property Initiative
The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference) and the World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO) conduct a comprehensive program toward the restitution of Jewish-owned art, Judaica, and other cultural property lost and plundered during the Holocaust.
Working with relevant governments and Jewish communities around the world, the organizations focus on systemic issues, with emphasis on public institutional provenance research (research on the ownership history of an object from its creation to the present time) and the creation of a just and simple claims process in all countries. The Claims Conference-WJRO sponsor various projects toward these goals.
The Claims Conference-WJRO do not take on representation of individual claimants.
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Fordham Law Review Symposium
Remedies for Looted Art and Cultural Property—Civil, Criminal or Consensual?
Fordham Law School, New York, February 28, 2025

The Claims Conference-WJRO work with governments and Jewish communities worldwide to help ensure a just and simple process for claims for looted art and cultural property in each country.

The Claims Conference-WJRO has compiled resources for research to provide assistance to experts engaged in issues concerning cultural plunder during the Holocaust, individual and family claimants and the general public.
last updated January 2025
Photo Credits:
Collage: Top row, left to right:
Torah scrolls at the Offenbach Archival Depot, 1946, Yad Vashem, archival signature: 4613/1081; Plundered instruments in a collection depot in Prague, The Jewish Museum, Prague; ERR-Lager Paris, Auspacken von Porzellan (1942/1943 ca.), Bundesarchiv B 323 Bild-0311-063.
Collage Middle row, left to right:
Emil Nolde, Piazza San Domenico II, Taormina / Straße nach dem Regen / Straße / Bildnis Ada Nolde / Unfertiges Bild eines weiblichen Kopfes en face / Kopf einer Schauspielerin, Lost Art-ID 529921; Sotheby Catalogue “Highly Important Hebrew Printed Books and Manuscripts,” Saul Kagan Archive, CLAl4002; Kiddush Cup, c. 1900, Private Collection.
Bottom row, left to right: ERR-Lager Paris, Uhrenlager (1942/1943 ca.), Bundesarchiv B 323 Bild-0311-070; ERR-Lager Paris, Bildermagazin (1942/1943 ca.), Bundesarchiv B 323 Bild-0311-031; Bardejov Jewish Community, Slovakia, Private Collection.
“Latest News” picture banner:
Naida-Michal Brandl, “Restitution of Moveable Property in Croatia”, Zagreb 2020 [front cover]; ERR-Lager Paris, Bildermagazin (ca. 1942/1943), Bundesarchiv B 323 Bild-0311-031; Vue d’une des pièces de l’hôtel particulier d’Adolphe Schloss (collectionneur) au 38, avenue Henri-Martin (Paris).” Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme. https://www.mahj.org/fr/decouvrir-collections-betsalel/vue-d-une-des-pieces-de-l-hotel-particulier-d-adolphe-schloss-8 (accessed 3 February 2023).
Pictured above “Advocacy” Offenbach, Germany. Yad Vashem, archival signature: 368
Picture above “Provenance Research” Confiscated Jewish property, Warsaw, Poland. Yad Vashem, archival signature: 99CO6
Pictured above “Resources” Germany, OAD men unloading a carload of books. Archival Signature 368 Credit: Yad Vashem