Based on the ERR Archival Guide (ERR) and the success of the Database of Art Objects at the Jeu de Paume, the Claims Conference has begun to use the ERR records regarding Jewish libraries and Judaica in Eastern Europe and in the countries of the former Soviet Union. In 2012-2013, the Claims Conference presented the paper “The Looting of Jewish and Cultural Objects in Former Yugoslavia: The HAG Südosten & the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg in Belgrade, Agram (Zagreb) and Ragusa (Dubrovnik)” to the Ministry of Culture of Croatia and other relevant organizations in Croatia.
In February 2014, the same presentation was given to relevant Serbian governmental ministries and at a conference on “Nationalization, Confiscation, and Restitution” held in Belgrade. Current research utilizing the ERR records is focused on Ukraine and Estonia. See also Documenting ERR Looted Libraries” in regard to France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Belarus.